Our forebear Charles Olm was by all accounts a very accomplished and well regarded chap. He had a good job and was recognised and sought after as an expert in different fields. But as we know the wheels fell off and Charles left Luxembourg for America.
Thanks to Jos. A. Massard http://massard.info/ we now know why.
Jos has written a paper published on Nov. 30, 2012 in the bulletin of the Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois. You can get your copy here: http://www.snl.lu/publications/bulletin/SNL_2012_113_003_039.pdf. In it a substantial review of the life of Charles Olm prior to his departure to America.
I have quickly created an English translation which I shall put below. Its a google translation and Luxembourgish is not something Google understands well so you will need to use your imagination a little. Start at page 6.
I won’t spoil the fun and explain what happened, but I will quote Elodee who said “it certainly looks like Charles’ life was not at all boring!”.
This is a very detailed dissertation on the life of Charles in Europe and many thanks to Jos for sharing it with us.