Elodee sends another tantalising glimpse into the past by way of correspondence from Gussie to Julia in 1910:

“Blenheim May 10 10
What do you think of John – is he the strong man you think so by looking at him having a log on his shoulders about 15 feet long. It is cork wood and very light. All the farm used to be woods like this the people had to cut down all the trees before the could grow anything.”

“Dear Julia
I received your most welcomed letter will answer with the next mail as I had no time I was sick over a week with dengue fever after I was over it we went to the sea shore about 68 miles from here. We had a splendid time and am feeling first rate again. Ruthie and Carl did not like the train they are so used to the buggie. You never wrote anything about mama tell her to write a few lines on your next letter. Give my best regards to all. With love. John Gussie.”
Thanks again to Elodee and her treasure trove of memories.