Out of the blue the other day I received contact from Chris Schmidt who wrote:
“Are you Keith William Heinrich son of Walter William Heinrich and Freda Mary Beutel? If so, we are 2nd cousins once removed according to my genealogy programme from the Beutel side.
I am writing a book each on each of the Kapernick brothers to come to Australia. The third one, which covers the descendants of Hermann Friedrich Kapernick and Marie Johanna Wilhelmina Augusta “Mary” Beutel you may be interested in ordering as all these descendants are related to you via the Beutel side. The greater majority still live around Gatton, and Toowoomba, although we have spread around the country and state!”
And subsequently:
“There was also an Arnie Bachmann that had a place at Blenheim. All the Bachmanns from around Ipswich through to Gatton and Laidley are descended from Wilhelm Christoph Bachmann and Wilhelmine Beutel. Wilhelmine is a sister to Keith Wallace Heinrich’s maternal grandfather. There are lots of rellies around that area- we had a Kapernick reunion in Gatton and over 200 came- a few from other branches of the Kapernicks as well but mostly the Beutels- and that is only a small drop in the bucket compared to the total number.”
I’ll check this out more in due course.